Words that make me feel
Hellos bebe,
This is Coco. So recently, I've been surfing the net and coming across various things. And some things just caught my attention, I mean, there are these unusual words that we feel inside of us almost everyday, but still don't have a word for it. People don't usually realize it, but we are all humans afterall. These words just have a grounding sort of feeling, and personally, 110% of relatibility. So there were many but I picked up the 10 most beautiful words I ever read:
1. Sophrosyne
A healthy state of mind, characterized by self control and high level of self awareness resulting in true happiness. It's like nostalgia, playing under a peepul tree. It's perfect happiness.
2. Magari
It's the feeling that says, 'kaash' or ' I wish this was true' . Because it's not always that we get what we want. And if you are still a student. It's never, that you get what you want. Can't describe it better.
3. Meraki
This, I feel is a common one. Many people do know about it I feel. It means putting love or soul into doing something, especially if that is something you love. For me, it's writing.
4. Elysium
You know that feeling when you realize, the guy you like , surprisingly likes you back ( note for the unaware - happens under rare circumstances ) and the happiness you feel. How perfect it feels. That's elysium.
5. Kalopsia
I sort of regret putting that example in the above category. It belongs here. Because it's illusion of life being more beautiful than it actually is. But really, I wish it actually belonged there.
6. Alexithymia
Tbh I don't feel like this word is really beautiful in itself. It's like when you can't describe your feelings. That's something, that people with depression face. And even on the daily run. I don't feel it's actually really healthy. The more you keep things inside, might seem temporarily better, but actually, it'll burst later.
7. Eunoia
It's opposite. It's a healthy mind. A mind that's taken care of. A mind that aware and wealthy. In short, the mind of a person, who takes care of their physical and mental well being.
8. Mad'ouk
Tbh, this is my favorite. It's a person or thing, toughened by life. Sounds simple but it means great. I mean we meet 1000s of people everyday, on the street, in complexes, everywhere. But we don't know where they come from. Their roots, their morals. And what formed them. Personally, I want to sit, just once, and listen to someone's back story.
9. Zephyr
The breeze we feel in spring. It's pleasant and warm, but not hot. It's soft. I mean stand in the cold wind and stand in the warm breeze. You'll feel the wind cutting through you.
10. Minutiae
This. Truly, this word is one reason I started this blog. It made me feel confident. It means the small details about people and things that makes everyone and everything unique. It just gives me confidence, because really after all the idiocy I've done in my 16 years of life, 😂 I can't imagine myself not shying away in certain situations.
Anyway it ends here. Please feel free to comment suggestions on further blogs. I will be writing a few blogs on studying tips and strategies later. Also happy Tuesday. Goodbye.
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