Overthinking overthinking.
Hellos bebe, This is Coco. So, recently, there've been many people around me, who are talking about one thing- overthinking. Its not a new concept, and is wayyyy more common than we think. Like Ik people think, what's new? Well, the fact that people don't realize how important it is, and why it's got us beat is new. I mean we all do it sometimes. Some of us do it always. It's just how we think. But really, I feel it is important because, tbh introspection, reflection, retrospection, is all overthinking- in a positive form. Think about it, emotions are not an abstract thing at all. They are chemical reactions, to simplify it to the least. Just like that, thinking is not an entity in itself. It's just an action, or to say the next step. And well, the name, overthinking can't be taken as a separate entity. It's just another mental action. Like maybe, come to think of it as, checking out a mental grocery list. It's a mental action. I feel, emotions are...