
Showing posts from June, 2021

Taking care of my teen skin

Hellos bebe, This is Coco. There are teens preteens all around the world buying loads of skincare products without knowing much about them. And some are simply late bloomers. This is my honest advice and experience I want to share here. 1. CTM is essential regardless of skin type. I know it's so basic but many people still think moisturizing isn't for oily skin. It is. Reason? When you wash your face, u strip your skin of oil and dirt along with natural moisture. Aloe gel etc, are natural humectants. They lock in hydration in your skin. 2. Read labels when searching for humectants on moisturizers. Not all humectants work for all skin types. For a dry skin aloecucumber gel won't work as it is not as creamy as products specially formulated for dry skin. Same the other way round. 3. Exfoliate ! But don't overdo it. This one is pretty self explanatory. When you exfoliate you don't just remove a dead cell layer, you also dry out your face and cleanse your pores. Hence, o...

Tips to write short stories

Hellos bebe, This is Coco. Today, I wanna share some (unconscious) techniques I use to make short stories interesting. Here are 5 of them. 1. Keep mental notes and know ur plot but keep title for the last: - If you know the gist/ outline of the plot, it becomes way more easy to write the rest of the story. Or if you have some vague points put together and you usually write the story in a flow as it goes, keeping title for the last is better. That's because you have an idea already, whether you want a character based, or an event based, or a theme based title etc, since you have the rest already written down. 2. Describe ur character through reflective actions:- When writing a piece, you want the reader to have independent thoughts and weave the image you give the reader into a character or atleast let your character be figurative of an active real life person. "Actions speak louder than words ". It's true here because you let the reader have their own perception while...